Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!

Diana Ormond CLC

I’m Diana —

an exclusively-pumping mom of two, world traveler, and a lover of knowledge and science. I’m passionate about helping new parents tackle infant feeding with compassion, evidence-based education, and support.

I had my first child at the very start of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

It was unfortunate timing. I needed lactation help. I was desperate. Why was I in so much pain??? Please, can anyone help me! Anyone. I was completely blindsided by what I had always assumed to be such an easy experience. I read, watched videos, and talked to doctors and Lactation Specialists… and then I read more. We worked through all the exercises and suggestions, and “do this, no no, do that!” I ended up exclusively pumping (yes, this is still breastfeeding). It was not long before I realized I was fascinated by all the ins-and-outs of human lactation. I exclusively pumped for 18 months, and am now exclusively pumping again. Oh how I have figured some things out the hard way!

But before that?

Well, you could say I wear a lot of hats. I am a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, an Officer in our Nation’s fine Navy, a Coast Guard Licensed Marine Engineer, a National Registry EMT, a Coast Guard Medical Person in Charge (on ships)... and the list goes on!

You are probably wondering what on earth any of that has to do with Lactation Support. Well, it didn’t. That is, until just before I had my first child. Suddenly I had questions—lots of them. What if the power goes out and I can’t pump for my baby? What if there is an emergency, and we don’t have clean drinking water? What do you mean you can freeze breastmilk? If I need to feed formula, how do I prepare it? What do you mean I need to get a deep latch? How does one breastfeed or pump in uniform? What are the rules for breastfeeding on base? If I wanted to go back to sea, how can I maintain my supply and get the milk back to my baby? Is it safe to work in an engine room and still breastfeed?

As I navigated these questions, I realized how deeply I wanted to help and support other parents too.

And so, Polaris Lactation was born.

I want to empower as many parents as I can to make the best choices for their infants.

So I chose to further my lactation knowledge, and I became certified through
The Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice as a Certified Lactation Counselor.

As I’m passionate about serving our military communities, I recently became a
Certified Military Lactation Counselor (MiLC) through Mom2Mom Global!

I continually expand my lactation education as a Gold Online Lactation Conference Delegate.

I have been featured by Women Offshore on their fantastic podcast (have a listen!) and was honored to be a speaker at their 2021 Annual Women Offshore Conference!

You’re not in this alone! It’s time to make informed decisions and get the evidence-based help you need. Let me guide, support, and coach you through this time. I can help you make the best choices for you and your infant.

You’re not in this alone.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.