What is a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC)?

Per the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice: “The Certified Lactation Counselor® (CLC®) certification identifies a professional in lactation counseling who has demonstrated the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to provide clinical breastfeeding counseling and management support to families who are thinking about breastfeeding or who have questions or problems during the course of breastfeeding/lactation.”

Find more information here.

My Scope of Practice can be found here.

CLCs provide one-on-one virtual or in-person lactation consultations, breastfeeding / pumping classes, and support to empower parents.

How do I know I need to reach out?

When in doubt, just reach out!

If you are in pain, if nursing or pumping is uncomfortable, if your baby is not gaining appropriately, or if you plan on weaning and just need some guidance, I’m here to help!

Is there a Cancellation Policy?

Yes! Check it out here!

Please take the time to read it over carefully!

What will I need for a successful virtual visit?

I use GSuite (Google’s professional service), including Google Forms and Google Meet.

You will need an internet connection, and a phone/tablet/computer. It’s best if you have a helper with you during your visit who can hold the camera for you, and make it easier to see all the angles needed to assess you and your baby.

Is your practice HIPAA compliant?

Yes! I have taken every possible measure to ensure your Protected Health Information (PHI) is secure! Not sure what HIPAA is? Find out more here.

Do you offer any discounts?

Yes!!! I am proud to offer a 10% military, first responder, healthcare worker, and teacher discount! When you book your appointment, please indicate your affiliation!

Do you recommend any other helpful resources?

Yes! In fact, I’ve created a page with a curated list of resources that may be helpful for you. Visit my resources page here.

You’ve come this far!
Book an initial visit and let’s get started.